CDRoller 7.51.50
Here are some key features of “CDRoller“:
· Effectively retrieves the data off the discs created by “drag and drop” CD/DVD writing software, such as well-known Roxio (Adaptec) and Ahead Nero software packages, CeQuadrat’s PacketCD, Instant Write, B’s CLiP and others.
· Recovers CD and DVD data created by standalone devices that record directly onto disks, including: Sony digital cameras, DVD camcorders, personal DVD recorders, etc.
· “On-the-fly” unpacks the files initially compressed by Roxio (Adaptec) DirectCD.
· Retrieves back up files from the discs recorded in several stages (multisession discs).
· Includes a built-in UDF Reader. There is no need to install a third-party software, for example Roxio (Adaptec) UDF Reader driver.
· Finds and retrieves the lost files on UDF discs, including: accidently deleted files, files on quick-formatted disc, files on incorrectly closed disc, etc.
· Rescues the data from scratched, damaged or defective discs.
· Provides direct access to the hardware, bypassing the Windows File System. Looks for the lost tracks (sessions) every time when you insert a new disc into the drive
· Digitally extracts audio tracks into a wide set of wave formats.
· Tests CD readability.
· Extracts ISO Image file.
· Catalogs files and folders into CD library.
· All features are integrated into a common and easy-to-use intuitive shell. User Interface is similar to well-known Windows 95 File Manager (Windows Explorer), with file property pages, pop-up (context) menus and drag-and-drop support.CD/DVD Data Recovery: Unfortunately, there is a lot of factors that can cause you to lose access to the data on your disks. System or power failures, hardware problems, media and CD/DVD mastering software problems… Often, when a disc becomes inaccessible more than a single factor has contributed to the problem. Fortunately, many of such problems that prevent “normal” access to the data can be bypassed when using CDRoller.
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